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Lunch on the Plaza

a group of people standing in a street

Men in the Class of 2012 walked downtown Monday, where the Main Street organization welcomed them with lunch on the Marie Canine Plaza.

a group of people standing on a sidewalk

All of the freshmen and their orientation leaders — and members of the faculty and staff — had lunch downtown Monday. The Main Street program also had "Welcome Back Wabash" signs printed and hung in store fronts, and many storefronts were adorned with large, block W's.

a woman serving food to a group of people

Representatives from Merle Norman made their way through the tables of Wabash students to hand out discount coupons for haircuts.

a group of people standing outside

The Main Street organization has been the driving force behind much of Crawfordsville's downtown revitalization. The signature project of Main Street was the construction of the Marie Canine Plaza on the corner of Green and Main streets, which was the site of the welcome back luncheon.

a group of people standing outside

Orientation leader Sean Clerget heaps out more lunches for the hungry Little Giants.

a group of people sitting at tables outside

The weather was perfect for the Welcome Back Wabash luncheon on the Marie Canine Plaza.

a group of people sitting at tables

After greeting nearly all of the 256 new students, President Pat White sat down to eat a sandwich with the freshmen.

a group of men standing in a line

The orientation leaders got together — with President White and Dean Mike Raters — to sing "Old Wabash" as a way of thanking Main Street and Joey's restaurant for the lunch on the Plaza.

a group of people standing on a sidewalk

After lunch, students fanned out all across Montgomery County to perform service projects. This group was headed to the Methodist Church, which is home to the FISH food pantry.

a man standing in front of a group of people

Professor of Art Doug Calisch was rounding up his work group for community service.

a group of people standing around a laptop

Feeding 256 hungry 18 years olds is no small task. Joey's, downtown restaurant, provided the bagged lunches.

a group of people eating at tables

Main Street cleared the parking lot and had tables set up to get everyone seated.

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