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From Backstage To Under The Stadium - 2008 Freshmen Community Service Projects

a group of people holding white objects

Community service included work on campus for members of the Class of 2012. Dylan Andrew, Ian Bonhotal, and Reed Hepburn put away equipment in the Allen Center as part of the freshmen community service projects Monday afternoon.

a group of men looking at t-shirts

Mike Holmes, Wesley Parks, and Jordan Ward work with senior Caleb Mast folding shirts for Wabash equipment manager Tom Perkins.

a group of young men walking outside

Mike Holmes, Tony Conway, Kevin McCarthy and senior Caleb Mast carry a platform to the Mud Hollow soccer field as part of a freshmen community service project.

a group of men working on ladders

The freshmen helped organize equipment stored underneath the football stadium.

a couple of men painting a bucket

Steven Riley and Jason Nickel clean paint rollers backstage at the Vanity Theater in downtown Crawfordsville.

a man using a drill to drill wood

Freshman Chris Kermin looks as if he is building a house, but he is actually taking apart a portion of the set from Beauty and The Beast at the Vanity Theater.

a man working on a wood frame

Brett Birch works in the wood room of the Vanity Theater.

a man holding a tool

Scott Hornblower removes chicken wire from the top of the wood room at the theater.

a group of people in a stadium

It's not all work! The Sugar Creek Players provided drinks for the freshmen assisting with projects at the Vanity Theater Monday afternoon.

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