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Dessert With President and Mrs. White

a group of people eating cake

Freshman Andrew Pearcy is one of the first to be served at the President's home. Photos by Howard W. Hewitt

a group of men sitting in chairs outside

Apparently the freshmen members of the soccer team were a little late to a meeting earlier this week and were scolded. They wanted to make sure the world new they were first in line for ice cream - and on time at that!

a group of women posing with a mascot

Chris White and daughter Molly were good sports when Wally needed a hug.

a man in red shirt and red cap standing next to a young man in red shirt

Maycdon Sprowl has some one-on-one time with Dr. White.

a man and woman laughing

President White's wife Chris welcomed freshmen, like Chris Goodpastor, to the College President's Home.

a group of people at a table

The ice cream toppings proved to be a popular stop.

a man eating ice cream

Pete Guiden tries a few strawberries on his sundae.

a group of people eating food

Brock Sempsrott gets a big bowl of vanilla.

a person scooping ice cream

Nothing says you can't serve up ice cream with a little flair.

a man holding a bowl of food

Grayson "Gar" Stone thought he had hidden from the camera.

a group of people standing in a line

President White made quite an effort to shake every hand or share a word with members of the Class of 2012.

a man pouring soup into a bowl

Andre Adeyemi carefully spoons out topping for his dessert.

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