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Dessert With President and Mrs. White 2

a group of people outside

Michael Kays listens intently as the President offers up encouragement.

two men posing for a picture

Hooyuan Su has a new buddy in fellow freshman Josh Linthicum.

a group of people eating ice cream

Michael Trevino found a good spot to enjoy his ice cream and watch all the activity at the same time.

a group of men shaking hands

Galib Shishir meets the President.

a man serving food at a table

Bryan Elliott seems to ponder - 'Can you ever have enough butterscotch?'

a group of young men standing outside

Swain Thomas waits for his ice cream.

a group of people eating outside

Seth Marshall thinks the ice cream reception was a pretty good idea.

a group of people watching a boy in a red and white striped outfit

President White and Wally Wabash lead the freshmen in a pretty convincing round of "Old Wabash."

a man in red shirt raising his fist

The President really needs to work on his enthusiasm!

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