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Matt McKay (Jasper Culver) makes his case, while Denis Farr (Otis Baker) looks on with a sarcastic smile.
Denis Farr (Otis Baker) interrogates Dustin Foster (James Davidson), while Brandon Stewart (Col. Chipman) looks on.
Denis Farr (Otis Baker) and Aaron Mann (Henry Wirz).
Denis Farr stars as Otis Baker in The Andersonville Trial.
Emanuel Harper (Ambrose Spencer) explains a point while Brandon Stewart (Col Chipman) and Ross McKee (Major Hosmer) look on.
Matt McKay stars as Jasper Culver in The Andersonville Trial.
Travis McLaughlin stars as Dr. John Bates in The Andersonville Trial.
Jacob Peerman stars as Lt. Col. Chandler in The Andersonville Trial.
Brandon Stewart (Col. Chipman) and Ross McKee (Major Hosmer) make the case against Henry Wirz in The Andersonville Trial.
Brandon Stewart (Lt. Col. Chipman) drives home a point with Jacob Peerman (Lt. Col. Chandler).
Peter Wagner stars as General Lew Wallace, who presides over the court, in The Andersonville Trial.
Tyler Williams is the Court Reporter in the Andersonville Trial.
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