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Awww Shucks!

a man and woman holding corn

Caleb Dulin and Mary Jo Arthur work in the morning sun and dodge the cornpone jokes.

a pile of corn on the cob

That is what you call 'wholesome corn goodness!"

a man and woman in white coats

Valerie kept moving her corn shucking station farther east into the shade.

a man loading a barrel of corn

Adam Moody was on hand to monitor each stage of the production process and lent a hand wherever it was needed.

several green containers of corn

You have it - MORE wholesome corn goodness!

a woman holding a sack of food

The only thing Kecia and Mary Jo are missing here is a grunt.

a woman peeling a piece of food

Kecia looks like she might have done this before.

a man in a white shirt and white shirt

Mark Anderson was handling the corn-cleaning station.

hands holding a corn stalk

Caleb was demonstrating how you get in to the shucks and just pull it apart.

a chef grinding corn on the cob

Ace of Corn Jason Stacey suggested the bundt pan corn-cutting solution.

a few chefs preparing food in a kitchen

The crew quickly identifed the "corn-cutting cooperative" was going to have to be more than four strong to keep the process moving along.

a pile of corn kernels

                                             "A cornucopia of corn."

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