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Ringing in the Class of 2013

a man in a robe pointing at something

Wabash College President Patrick White "rings in" the Class of 2013 with the bell Wabash's first professor, Caleb Mills, used to call the first class of Wabash men in 1833.

a group of people in a room

The Wabash College Glee Club fired up the crowd by singing "Old Wabash."

a woman taking a picture of a crowd

Moms and Dads took lots of pictures of their sons — the men of the Wabash College Class of 2013 — who were seated in the balcony of the Pioneer Chapel.

a group of people clapping

President White asked the new Wabash men to stand and thank their families for the sacrifices they've made.

a man and woman standing in a crowd

The tradition-filled Ringing In Ceremony is also filled with lots of pride and happiness.

a man in a suit and tie

Greg Castanias, Vice President of the National Association of Wabash Men, welcomed the newest members of the College's ranks. "The road before you is open wide with options and opportunities," said Castanias ’87. "Wabash, and her alumni, will be with you all the way, just as they have been with me and generations of men before me. So, on behalf of all of our loyal sons, welcome. We’re proud that you’ve chosen to join us. You’re going to be so happy you did."

a man in a robe speaking into a microphone

President Patrick White gave the keynote address prior to "ringing in" the Class of 2013. 

a man in a suit and tie

Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid Steve Klein served as master of ceremonies for the Ringing In Ceremony. "Wabash men come from a wide range of religious, cultural, and racial backgrounds," Dean Klein said. "I note this, not because it reads well in a college guide. But because it is an integral part of the Wabash experience. As we strive to best prepare you for an increasingly diverse society, the characteristics of our student body becomes an ever more important part of your education."

a group of people sitting in a room

President White's remarks had lots of Moms and Dads in tears — tears of pride and joy.

a man in a robe holding a bell

President Patrick White rings in the 250 young men who make up the Class of 2013 at Wabash College.

a group of people clapping

 The Class of 2013 applauds as they are rung in as official Wabash Men.

a group of people in a church

 A packed Chapel joins the Wabash Glee Club singing "Old Wabash."

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