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Wabash 48, Chicago 10 - 2009 Album 2

a football player falling over another football player

Freshman defensive back Sam Smith supplies pressure on the Chicago quarterback. Photos by Drew Casey ’12.

a football player running with the ball

Tommy Mambourg looks for some running room.

a group of football players on a field

Junior Jake Martin made seven tackles in the game. He brought down Chicago running back Tommy Parks on this play.

a football player falling down while another player is falling

Tommy Mambourg.

a group of football players on a field

Mambourg on one of his 27 carries.

a football player running with the ball

Sophomore Jonathon Horn finished with one reception for nine yards.

a football players on a field

Luke Zinsmaster (54) and James Pannell (21) fly toward the Chicago ball carrier.

a group of football players on a field

Pannell got there first and brought him to the ground.

a football players in a game

Freshman Kyle Stevens ran for some tough yards on the final drive before breaking free for his second touchdown of the season on a 22-yard run.

a group of football players on a field

Addrian Frederick and Matt Whyde combine for this tackle.

a group of people playing football

 Stevens plows ahead for final score.

a group of football players running on a field

Kyle Stevens - focused on the end zone.

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