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Law Reunion - Supreme Court Panel

a group of men sitting in chairs

The "Dream Team," as Pre-Law Professor Scott Himsel described them, from left Tom Fisher '91, Seamus Boyce '03, David Kendall '66, and Greg Castanias '87 (not pictured). These four made up the panel of lawyers discussing their experiences presenting cases in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. The panel was part of the Law Reunion and continuing law education seminars.

a man in a suit and tie

 David Kendall '66 talks about his job as a law clerk for one of the Supreme Court Justices. 

a man in a suit and tie

 While Greg Castanias '87 mainly played the role of moderator he also answered a few questions about his experience with the Supreme Court.

a man in a suit and tie

Indiana Solicitor General Tom Fisher '91 talks about his nerves before his first time in front of the US Supreme Court.

a man sitting in a chair

Seamus Boyce '03 was six months shy of having enough law experience to be able to present in front of the Supreme Court but he wrote a brief for a case and was present during the hearing.

a man sitting at a desk

 More than 70 alumni lawyers returned for the Law Reunion, CLE seminars, and other Homecoming festivities.

a group of men in suits

Front row left to right: Seamus Boyce '03, Tom Fisher '91. Back row left to right Scott Himsel '85, Greg Castanias '87, David Kendall '66, and Jim Dimos '83. 

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