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2009 Bell Game No. 2

a group of football players in a crowd

Celebrating with the recently acquired Monon Bell.

a group of football players on a field

Derek Yoder checking his blocks on this run.

a group of football players on a field

Jonathan Horn watches the ball into his hands - and then turns it into a touchdown run.

a football player running with the ball

Horn scores the touchdown.

a man in a red shirt standing next to a woman in a yellow and blue shirt

Security was checking for "inappropriate t-shirts" at both the Wabash and DePauw entrances.

a football player running on the field

Spencer Whitehead kicks off for the Little Giants.

a football player diving for a ball

Derrick Yoder dives into the end zone for a score.

a group of people in red shirts

Students whoop it up as Wabash stretches its lead.

a group of football players running on a field

Notice the chagrin on the face of the DePauw defender.

a group of people in red and white striped pants

Sphinx Club members celebrate with the Bell.

a group of people wearing red shirts

Body paint, mohawks and chants - all part of the Monon Bell tradition.

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