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Swim vs Washington U. 1-13-10

a man swimming in a pool

Craig Vetor '10 in the freestyle early in the meet.

a man swimming in a pool

Chad Woods '11 swimming the freestyle against Wash U.

a man in a swimming pool

Evan Rhinesmith '11 had another good night in the pool, here in the breaststroke.

a man diving into a pool

Jake Schild was the only diver back for competition Wednesday night for Wabash.

a man in a swimming pool

Logan Falley '12 in the butterfly.

a man in a swimming pool

Sophomore Chris Kermin checks his time after a swim.

a man swimming in a pool

Senior Pete Hewitt in the backstroke.

a man swimming in a pool

Senior Robert Fozkos in freestyle.

a group of men in red shirts

First-year Coach Steve Barnes looks on during one of the distance swims.

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