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FIMRC 2010 Day 1 Album 2

a man pointing at a girl

Pedersen directs the players on his team.

a man pointing at a boy's face

Looks like Pedersen has a following

a boy wearing sunglasses and sitting on the ground

I like he liked his new look.

a man and boy sitting on a stone bench

Barrington Hodges tried to get in on some of the action.

a group of children holding cups

Smiles are an international language

a man holding a backpack

... so is candy

a group of people looking at a manhole

After lunch we learned about the local water system.

a boy peeking out of a wall

This little guys wanted to see what was going on

a man walking down a road

Looking down the dirt roads its hard not to realize that we are a long way from home.

a group of people in a market

On our way home from the clinic we stopped at a fruit market.

a market with many different fruits and vegetables

I don't think you can find this in Crawfordsville

a group of men sitting outside

After a long day the guys just wanted to rest

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