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2010 Peck Awards

a couple of men shaking hands

President Patrick White present John R. Crook '69 the 2010 Peck Medal.

a couple of men shaking hands

Pre-Law Advisor and Political Science Professor Scott Himsel presents the Junior Peck Medal to Alex Ingram '10.

a man shaking hands with another man

Steve Stankovich '12, Pre-Law Society President, presents the Richard O. Ristine Award to James Dimos '83.

a man shaking hands with another man

Matt Price '90 presents the Bingham Award to Aaron Bonar '10.

a couple of men in suits

Price congratulates John Henry '10 on winning the Bingham Award.

a man shaking hands with another man

Stephen Creason '97 presents the William Nelson White Scholarship to Nicholas Maraman '10.

a man in a suit and tie standing next to a man in a suit and tie

Stephen Claffey '67 presents the Joesph J. Daniels Prize to John Henry '10.

a group of men in suits

Scott Himsel '85 and his senior pre-law students.

a man speaking into a microphone

Crook made brief remarks after accepting the Peck Medal. His humorous remarks centered around four things every lawyer should know.

a man in a suit speaking into a microphone

Scott Himsel puts in lots of work to pull off the annual Peck Awards. He was the program's host.

a group of people sitting at a table

Junior Peck Medal winner Alex Ingram listens to Crook's remarks.

a man and a man talking

Crook interacted with students after his 5 p.m. lecture. Here he is chatting with senior Jonathan Torrez.

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