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Senior Art Exhibit 2010

a man standing next to a wall with colorful art

Juan Diaz with his densely layered canvasses of color and textured lines.

a group of art pieces on a wall

More of Juan Diaz's art.

a man standing in front of a painting

Korey Pazour used humor to explore his questions about religion.

a man playing with blocks

Another example of Pazour's art.

a man standing next to a wedding dress

Miguel Aguilar used paintings to tell a story. The story begins with this wedding dress.

a painting of a desert landscape

One of Aguilar's paintings.

a man standing in front of a cartoon wall

Michael Scott in the middle of his larger-than-life characters.

a cartoon of a woman

Scott's superhero is bursting through the brick wall.

a man smiling in front of a projection screen

Dan Sutton has discovered the creativity withing digital photography.

a man standing in front of a wall with a piece of paper

David Roseborough likes shapes, angles, and detail in his art work.

a group of objects on a wall

The lighting and shadows adds another dimension to Rosborough's art.

a group of people posing for a photo

Plenty of family and friends made it to the gallery for Monday's open house. David Rosborough's parents drove over from Loveland, Ohio - a Cincinnati suburb.

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