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Big Bash - Chapel Sing, No. 1

a group of people wearing red shirts

The class of 1960 gets the Alumni Chapel Sing off to a rousing start.

a man with his arms out

Dr. Bob Witherspoon '65, and former Glee Club member, directed his classmates singing "Old Wabash."

a group of men with their mouths open

You think these guys aren't taking Chapel Sing seriously?

a man with a beard wearing a red shirt

Mark Hanson '70 sings out the school song!

a group of people standing in a room

And the wives keep snapping those memories!

a group of people posing for a photo

That Wally sure draws a crowd!

a group of men wearing red shirts

Bob Chamness and Dale Petrie of the Class of 1975 belt it out!

a group of men wearing lanyards

Kyle Carr '85, at right, is all smiles as his class readies to sing "Old Wabash."

a man wearing a lanyard and smiling

Zach Eichel '05 sings "Old Wabash" with a group of alums who combined the classes of '90, '95, '00, and '05 to sing the school song.

a group of men talking

A lot of people turn out for the Alumni Chapel Sing. As usual, Professor of Rhetoric Emeritus Joe O'Rourke was holding court with a couple of alums.

a man pointing at a mascot

Many alumni, wives and kids lined up to ring the Monon Bell with Wally after Chapel Sing. It took some persuading to get this recently graduated senior to pose for a quick shot. Few in the crowd realized this guy (Quarterback Matt Hudson) had something to do with the Bell being back in Crawfordsville.

a man holding a person's hand

Scott Polizotto '60 and his son Dugan take a turn at ringing the Monon Bell.

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