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Looks Like a Tornado Came Through

a man watering a tree

Indiana has seen its fair share of monster thunderstorms this spring, but the first day of summer brought the nastiest storm yet. The College lost a few trees and scores more shed large branches throughout the campus in two storms that came late Monday night and early Tuesday morning. By 6 a.m., Campus Services was already in clean-up mode.

a car with fallen tree

That's a car that belongs to Paul Myhre's daughter, squashed by a broken tree in the first block north of the campus on Grant Avenue.

a tree with broken branches

By day break, it was easy to see the widespread damage to trees in the Fuller Arboretum. However, the College's buildings appeared to be spared and the emergency notification alert system functioned perfectly to announce to the Wabash community that a tornado warning had been issued.

a fallen tree on the side of a road

A large chunk of a sycamore tree fell near the main entrance to campus off Grant Avenue. The branch came down across the road and brought down a power line.

a tree fallen on the side of a road

This one fell just across Jefferson Street from the lot where the old Fiji house used to stand.

a tree fallen over a yard

This tree will probably be lost after the top half was broken off. It's on the corner of Grant and Jefferson.

a pile of cut tree branches

Campus Services and local emergency workers got an early start. This is the damaged sycamore that dropped a power line.

a man in a tree

Campus Services got an early start on clean-up. Temperatures have been sweltering in the afternoon, and it was already muggy by 7 a.m. when the chainsaws were roaring.

a couple of men in safety jackets standing next to a fallen tree

Workers from Crawfordsville Electric Light and Power check out a downed power line at the main entrance to campus from Grant Avenue.

a man in a hat and a truck with a chipper

Campus Services grounds crew staff are hard at work shredding tree branches that fell near Martindale Hall Monday night and early Tuesday morning.

a tree with broken branches

This broken tree along the Mall drive fell just north of Detchon Hall.

a flooded area with trees and grass

Heavy rainfall, on and off for the last two weeks, has the ground saturated. This "lake" on the north edge of the Fuller Arboretum has filled up a half-dozen times in just two weeks.

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