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Baseball Field - 8/3/10

construction vehicles on a dirt road

Crews made substantial progress on the baseball field in the past week.  Here the road previously nearby the practice football field is finally removed.

a pile of branches and a truck

The last pile of brush was removed Tuesday.

a pile of dirt and sticks

These pipes were removed as well.

a construction site with a pile of steel rods

New supplies are pouring in everyday. 

a construction vehicle with a bulldozer and a truck

Some of the heavy machinery used during work on the football field only had a short trip around the Knowling Fieldhouse to the site of the new baseball stadium.

a construction site with a bulldozer and a bulldozer

A look across the future infield into left field...

a construction site with a bulldozer

... and centerfield.

a yellow fire hydrant on the side of a road

The sidewalk near third base was also removed.

a construction site with a bulldozer

Can you picture the stadium when the Little Giants begin their 2011 campaign in March?

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