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Athletic Fields 8/10/10

a football field with a stadium and bleachers

The turf crew made considerable progress Tuesday, laying turf on the west side of the field slightly past the goal line.

a field with a machine on it

Due to the extreme heat hitting Crawfordsville, the crew is working twelve hour shifts from 3:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m.  These lights were brought over from the practice football fields to help the crew start before the sun. 

a group of men wearing hard hats

The segments are attached with this small sewing machine.  The process takes at least 8 men to hold the two pieces of turf together.

a stadium with a large white pole

The east side of the field will likely get covered tomorrow.

a football field with a goal post

A view from on the top of the Allen Center where camera crews record Little Giant football games.

a construction site with a pile of gravel and a bulldozer

Excavation continued at the site of the baseball stadium.

a wooden post with yellow tape on it

Most of the irrigation piping for the field has been put in.  This post marks pipes that run below the future infield.

a concrete pipe in the dirt

Beyond the centerfield fence.

a yellow construction vehicle with a large machine

Heavy machinery continues to roll in.  This device will be used to help carve out the dugouts. 

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