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Chapel Sing 2

a group of people in red shirts and white shirts holding a sign

The march to the Mall.

a group of people in red shirts holding flags

A great crowd in red came out to cheer on the freshmen.

a group of people standing in a doorway

A tradition within a tradition - the Betas always on guard on the Chapel steps.

a group of people standing in a line

While the freshmen were arranged by living unit, Chapel Sing was all about "Old Wabash."

a group of people in red shirts

It's hard not to get excited during Chapel Sing, even for those in the crowd.

a group of people in red and white shirts

The Sigma Chi freshmen were supported by their brothers on the sideline. They were all smiles as their guys came out of the Chapel.

a group of people in white shirts

The Independents head in the Chapel to sing in front of the Sphinx Club judges. Independents finished fourth.

a group of people in striped red and white outfits

The Phi Psi freshmen get a thumbs up as they head back to their spot on the mall. Phi Psi finished third.

a group of people walking in a parade

FIJI freshmen head to the Chapel. FIJI tied for fifth place.

a man standing on a ladder in a crowd of people

Sphinx Club President Jake German is ready to announce the winners but first, "Old Wabash" all together!

a group of people in a circle

Sigma Chi celebrates after winning Chapel Sing.

a group of people posing for a photo

The Sigma Chi Men of Wabash.

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