The Wamidan Children's Ensemble, directed by Stella Sabina, performed a song of the Banyoro-Batooro people of Uganda.
The Wamidan World Music Ensemble and Artistic Director James Makubuya opened the program with a performance on the adungu.
Kelvin Burzon ’12 performed in the first part of the show for Wamidan (seen here dancing Olukhun, an entertainment dance from southeastern Uganda) and in a solo for the Glee Club at the end.
Wamidan member and Wamidan Children's Ensemble director Stella Sabina.
The Wamidan Children's Ensemble, directed by Stella Sabina, performed a song of the Banyoro-Batooro people of Uganda.
The Wamidan World Music Ensemble and Artistic Director James Makubuya opened the program with a performance on the adungu.
Kelvin Burzon ’12 performed in the first part of the show for Wamidan (seen here dancing Olukhun, an entertainment dance from southeastern Uganda) and in a solo for the Glee Club at the end.