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Photo Albums

01-21-11 Alumni Art Invitational Album II

a group of people posing for a photo

Twenty of the 31 alumni artists whose work is on display in the Alumni Invitational returned for the opening reception. Sixteen made it for the group photo in the studio where many of them worked during their student days. They are pictured here with their professors, Greg Huebner and Doug Calisch. 

a red onion on a white surface

"Red-Eyed Gemini," by Harrison Jones ’78, is among the works in the Alumni Invitational Exhibit.

a man hugging another man

Professor Calisch gives his friend and colleague Professor Greg Huebner a congratulatory hug after the announcement that the former Permanent Collection Gallery has been dedicated and renamed in Huebner's honor. 

a group of people looking at something

Architect and photographer Christopher Colson ’88 and his family watch the dedication ceremony.

a couple of men standing in front of a painting

Dan Gillespie ’08 is studying violin making in Chicago and has an instrument in the Alumni Invitational Exhibit. Here he catches up with Professor of Music James Makubuya.

a fire in a torch

Detail from a photo banner by Denis Ryan Kelly ’84, part of the Alumni Exhibition. 

a collage of buildings and a drawing of a city

Photos of the Uptown Redevelopment Project in Park Ridge, IL, show the work of architect and former Wabash art minor Michael Breclaw ’80. 

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