Professor of Rhetoric Jennifer Abbott reads the inscription on the gift to be received by each senior.
Neil Burk listens as Professor Abbott thanks him for his outstanding work in Rhetoric.
Emeritus Professor of Rhetoric Joe O'Rourke listens as the seniors are introduced.
Kyle Grand is one of twelve senior Rhetoric majors this year.
Emeritus Professor of Rhetoric Vic Powell and his wife Marian were on hand to enjoy the senior celebration.
Josh Raspopovich received the "Joe O'Rourke, Jr. Prize in Rhetoric Award" for the top senior research project. He is pictured here with Joe O'Rourke and his wife Beverly.
The Senior Class. To see more photos from the dinner click here.
Josh Raspopovich received the "Joe O'Rourke, Jr. Prize in Rhetoric Award" for the top senior research project. He is pictured here with Joe O'Rourke and his wife Beverly.