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2011 Senior Breakfast

a man in a striped shirt

A campus leader bound for law school and a young man of faith with his eyes on medical school were awarded top prizes at Saturday’s Dean’s Senior Breakfast.
Here Austin Drake, who has been accepted to multiple medical schools and is former president of the Wabash Christian Men's fellowship, walks to the podium to accept the John Maurice Butler Prize for Scholarship and Character.

a man shaking hands with another man

Austin Drake accepts the John Maurice Butler Prize for Scholarship and Character.  Drake served on a mission trip to Haiti last summer.

"The world is struggling," Drake told reporter Joel Bustamante ’11 in a recent article in The Bachelor. “When I was in Haiti, I gained a whole new outlook on life—a willingness to open up."

a man in a red striped shirt

Jake German steps forward to accept the Frank Hugh Sparks Award for All-Around Student Achievement
"It was staggering to hear my name together with this award," German said later. "When you look at the names of those before me who have won this award, it's an unbelievable honor.
The fact that, Chad Sorenson, who won the award last year, was German's fraternity brother and pledge father, only made the award more meaningful for the Montgomery County native.

two men hugging each other

Jake German gets a congratulatory hug from Dean of Students Mike Raters. German was among those honored recently by the Montgomery County's Character Counts group at its Champions of Character breakfast.

a man shaking hands with another man

Austin Drake has been accepted to medical school but may join the Army first as a way to pay for medical school. In June he will marry his high school sweetheart.

a man shaking hands with another man

German receives congratulations from his friend and golf coach, Mac Petty H’82.

a man in a suit and tie

Dean of the College Gary Phillips delivers the Deans' Breakfast Address, "Continuity and Change: Making the Impossible Possible."
""The work of the liberal arts and of being liberally educated is that of continuously changing yourself and the world around you by asking the right, hard questions," Phillips said. "It’s about making the impossible possible. It’s about willing to be unsettled. It is about having the courage to be better and to settle for nothing less."

a man in a suit and tie sitting in a crowd

Dean of Students Mike Raters ’85 and seniors and faculty enjoy a lighter moment of Dean Phillips' address.

a man wearing glasses and a purple shirt

Professor Paul Vasquez enjoys talking with students and colleagues.

a group of people sitting at a table

Professor Marc Hudson talks with students.

a man in a red hat and tie standing in front of a group of people

Professor of English Tobey Herzog serves as faculty marshall for Commencement, a position that's roughly a cross between drill sergeant and cat herder. Here in the Chapel after the Deans' Breakfast he goes over some preliminary instructions for tomorrow's ceremonies. 

a man looking at a piece of paper

D.J. Singfield, one of tomorrow's student speakers, peruses the procession instructions in the Chapel.

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