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2011 Big Bash Banquet

a group of men holding a large check

President Pat White, Class Agent J.B. Bachman, and Denny Sheridan present a check to the College in honor of the 50th reunion of the Class of 1961. Alumni Director Tom Runge ’71 points out that the actual dollar total changed in the hour or so before the presentation, bringing the total over $4.7 million. The check was presented at the Big Bash Banquet Friday night, at which nearly 500 alumni and friends gathered to celebrate Wabash.

a group of men holding a large check

President White, J.B. Bachman, and Denny Sheridan show off all the zeroes on the Class of 1961's gift to the College.
"I thank the class of 1961 for this wonderful gift, for the loyalty it represents, and even more for what it means for our students," said President White in his remarks. "For their dreams of the future of the College are made bolder and more ambitious through this gift."

a group of people standing in a room

The Big Bash Banquet with several special moments — from announcing Associate Alumni Director Mike Warren's 40th birthday to introducing legendary basketball coach Bob Brock, who coached the talented teams of the late 1950s and early 1960s. 
Pictured with Coach Brock is Hall of Famer Charlie Bowerman, one of two Class of 1961 Hall of Fame basketball players. The rebounding and defensive star of those NCAA tournament teams was Dr. Jim Cumming ’61, who is also in the Hall of Fame with Brock and Bowerman.

a man putting on a badge on a man's shirt

Class of 1961 Class Agent J.B. Bachman was the first to receive his 50th reunion medallion from President White. Bachmann has served his classmates all 50 years since their graduation from the College. J.B. is a legendary class agent and was honored to introduce all of the members of his class who had returned for the 50th.

a man shaking hands with another man

President White and J.B. Bachman ’60.

a man in a wheelchair with a woman holding his hand

President White poses with Bob Panzer after Bob received his 50th reunion medallion.

a man in glasses speaking into a microphone

Denny Sheridan served as the Reunion Gift Chairman for the Class of 1961, and with constant, hard work, he got more than 70 percent of his classmates to make a gift to the campaign and presented the College a check for more than $4.7 million.

a group of people sitting at a table

Charlie Bowerman ’61 listens to President White.

a man smiling at another man

Long-time Wabash Biology Professor Aus Brooks prepares to receive his 50th reunion medallion from President White.

a couple of men smiling

That's John Birdzell posing with President white during the Big Bash Banquet. John's gift to the College helped make the stunning new baseball field, Wabash Ballpark, possible.

a man shaking hands with another man

Long-time Trustee and former Chairman of the Board Joe Barnette poses with President White. Joe and his wife, Charlene, will host the Class of 1961 reunion dinner Saturday night.

a man in a suit speaking into a microphone

President White closed the evening by thanking the alumni for returning to Wabash and "being young again."
"I look out at all of you and see the eyes of young men, for you see with the eyes of young men the hopes and possibilities of this College," said the President. "Wabash remains forever young in your eyes, forever full of possibilities and promise, hope, and achievement."

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