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History of Christianity in Africa trip—Day Two

a man standing next to another man

Two of our students flew in a day later than the rest of the group, thus missing the warm welcome we received at the airport. Brother Matthew wanted Michael Jon Mondovics (pictured) and Long Pham to experience the same level of Kenyan and Franciscan hospitality, so the second half of Professor Cook's teaching on Franciscan art began with a welcoming ceremony.

a man in a red plaid shirt

Michael Jon receives a Masai cloth similar to those the rest of us had received at the airport, but he has his expertly fitted.

a woman holding a man's arm

As did Long Pham…

a group of men wearing red plaids

Then the friars, sisters, professors and students gave Michael Jon and Long an official welcoming.

a man hugging another man

Professor Warner welcomes Michael Jon.

a group of people hugging each other

 Jake German and Jose Herrera welcome Michael Jon.

a man standing in front of a group of people

 Professor Cook began his teaching about Franciscan art.

a group of people sitting around a table

During break, students enjoyed conversations with the friars and theological school students.

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