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History of Christianity in Africa, Day Eight

a group of houses with a fence and a pig in the mud

A view of Kibera from the tracks of the Kenya-Uganda Railway that runs through the slum. The photo was taken during our return Sunday from Mass at Christ the King Church in Kibera.

a pile of broken glass on a rock

One of many ways of discouraging entrance into yards in one of the homes outside of Kibera.

a woman in a green robe smiling

The Wabash group was welcomed at the edge of Kibera by several Christ the King parishioners, including Rose (above).

a group of people standing outside

Parishioners from Christ the King Parish met the Wabash group at the edge of Kibera to guide us to the church and guarantee our safety.

a group of men standing in front of a building

The head of security for Christ the King gives us the ground rules for our trip to the church.

a woman walking on a train track

 Walking in Kibera

a group of men standing outside

Alejandro Maya and Michael Jon Mondovics enter the Christ the King compound after their walk through Kibera.

a sign with a list of information

 A large board on a hospital wall lists the health statistics for the area.

a metal roof with colorful glass panels

The new church was built with donations from around the world and was completed in 2010. Read more here.

a group of people in a room

Amunze directs the remarkable Christ the King Choir. 

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