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2011 Project Coach

a group of people posing for a photo

Linda Salisbury of the Salisbury Foundation takes a fun shot with Camp participants and staff. The Salisbury Foundation makes Project Coach possible along with Smith College and Wabash College.

a group of men on a football field

The week-long program includes exercise, coaching tips, working with kids, developing personal skills, and more.

a group of young men playing tug of war

Campers are engaged here in team-building activities.

a group of children sitting on a floor in a gym

Throughout the week the Project Coach students, 10 this year, get to practice their new skills at the Montgomery County Boys and Girls Club.

a group of men sitting on a bench

The young men also get the chance to see the community. This year they visited the Lew Wallace Museum and had a little fun having their photo taken beneath the General's statue.

a group of kids playing foosball

Wabash Dean of Students Mike Raters heads up the program on campus. Here he is interacting with campers and community children at the Boys and Girls Club.

a group of men hugging each other

One giant buddy hug for Andre Adeyemi '12. (He's in the center!)

a group of people sitting at tables

It's not all physical skills and coaching tips by any means. The students are engaged in classroom activity as well.

a boy smiling at the camera

Devon listens as a fellow camper talks about communication skills.

a woman in a white shirt

Wabash Rhetoric Professor Jennifer Abbott helped the young men pick up some personal communication tips.

a close-up of a man in a blue shirt

Adeyemi is a veteran counselor for the Project Coach Program. This year he was joined by Ian Kelly '12, Jordan Surenkamp '13, Wes Chamble '12, Brandon Clifton '06, and Jose Herrera '13.

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