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2011 Chapel Sing - KJ 2

a man in a suit and tie

President White watches this year's freshmen class compete in Chapel Sing. Photos by Kim Johnson.

a man in a red shirt with white text on the back

The finalists sing for the Sphinx Club judges.

a group of people in a church

Sigma Chi ended up second in Chapel Sing.

a person holding a pen and paper

The final tallies.

a group of people standing in a line outside a church

One more round of "Old Wabash" before the winners were announced.

a group of people with their arms raised

Theta Delta Chi takes Chapel Sing honors this year!

a group of men posing for a picture

The Theta Delt pledge class proudly shows off their spirit.

a group of people walking on a street

Beta pledges stand strong together as they leave Chapel Sing.

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