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Left: Jim Roper '68 catches up with Jack Gould '71
Michael Patterson '82 enjoys a bit of dessert
Craig Green '59 loads up a plate of delicious food
Left: Tom Milligan '63 and John Dowd '69 have a good chuckle
Right: Jim Moore '63 with Mr. and Mrs. Vannatter engage in some light conversation
Right: Possible future Wally - Caiden Chilausky, sits with Matthew Chilausky and and far left: Jerry Boyer '65
Dick Griesser '51 and wife Beth set among friends
Bruce Newby '67 takes a moment to relax
President Pat White laughs along side a number of Wallies
James Spears '50 sits next to friend Ed Penman
Rick Cavanaugh '76 at the buffet
John Dowd '69 catches the attention of a number of fellow Wallies
Right: Jerry Boyer and son Jerrel Boyer finish catching up with old friends
Gil Shoaf '57
George Haerle '50 and Janice Clauser deciding between entrée or dessert
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