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Thursday in Paris: Invalides

a large stone building with a courtyard and a large stone building

Chateau at Vincennes (photo by Keaton Becher)

a large white castle with a large building with Château de Vincennes in the background

Chateau at Vincennes (photo by Keaton Becher)

a large stone building with many windows

Chateau at Vincennes (photo by Keaton Becher)

a group of men walking on a sidewalk

Allan Swan, Brian Tucker, and Adam Soshnick

a park with trees and buildings in the background

The view of the Eiffel Tower from Invalides

a large building with a cannon in front of it

Musee de l'Armee at Invalides

a large gated entrance to a building

Musee de l'Armee at Invalides

a large building with many windows

Musee de l'Armee at Invalides

a large antique cart in a room with arches and a statue

Musee de l'Armee at Invalides

a group of people looking at paintings

Chris McDougal at the Musee de l'Armee at Invalides

a man in an orange shirt

Grant McCloskey

a man looking at military uniforms

Rudy Altergott

a group of people looking at a map

Chris McDougal and Professor Rhoades

a large cannon on display

Musee de l'Armee at Invalides

a ceiling of a building with a painted dome

The cathedral at the Musee de l'Armee at Invalides

a large stone casket in a large room

Napoleon's tomb at the Musee de l'Armee at Invalides

a man looking up at a man in a building

Allan Swan

a large church with many flags

Musee de l'Armee at Invalides

a statue of a knight on a horse

Musee de l'Armee at Invalides

a group of people standing in a room

Musee du Vin

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