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2012 Sh'Out NAWM Reception

a group of men talking

'We need to be more effective in getting the message out that all are welcome, because, truly, Wabash is serious about this, and this luncheon is a commencement of sorts to re-energize that activity', said Rob Shook ’83 (at right, speaking with NAWM President Greg Castanias '87 and former sh'Out President Leon Back '11) during Saturday's NAWM/sh'Out networking luncheon in Trippet Hall.

a man in a suit clapping

'This event is a long time coming, and I’m so glad to see a full house here,' said NAWM President Greg Castanias '87. 'Ultimately the NAWM’s goal is to confirm that Wabash is, and has been for some time now, an open, inclusive, and participatory society.'

a man talking to another man

Rob Shook '83: 'We need to understand things that have happened in the past, we need to acknowledge those, and we need to move forward. We need to understand that this is not about tolerance—who wants to be tolerated! This is about welcoming, valuing, embracing, and drawing on the strengths that each of us brings from whatever our perspectives may be.'

a man speaking in front of a window

'Each of us—gay, straight, bi-sexual, transgender, born in Indiana, born elsewhere in the world—we bring a unique value proposition to this group, to this campus, and Wabash, it appears, is ready to fully embrace that. And I’m very proud to be a part of that.'

a man in a suit and tie

President Pat White: 'I’m fond of saying that at Wabash, we have 80 faculty, but hundreds of teachers. That includes you alumni, who bring to the conversation with our students not just how to get a job, but what it means to be a human being. Thank all of you for participating in that discussion, and continuing to teach me, and the world, what it means to be Wabash.'

a man in a suit speaking to a group of people

A lighter moment during President White's talk.

a man giving a thumbs up to another man

Rob Shook and Professor Scott Himsel '85 talk before the luncheon.

a man in a red sweater talking to another man

Leon Back '11 talks with Associate Dean of Students Will Oprisko.

a group of men at a business meeting

Sophomores Jeremy Wentzel and Patrick Stroud talk with NAWM Board Member Scott Benedict '98.

a man in glasses looking at something

Denis Farr '06 describes the new Facebook page he has established for the sh'Out Network, which in just two days attracted almost 100 alumni and students.

a group of men smiling

Frank Hagaman and Wabash Catalog Librarian Brian McCafferty talk with NAMW Board Member Brad Johnson '71.

a man wearing a white shirt and glasses

NAWM Board Member Art Howe '82 talks with senior Greg Huey. “The first thing we need to determine is how we can best be of service to the students of this chapter—internships, interviews, bringing speakers to campus, advising—whatever we can do,' Rob Shook told the gathering. 'We will take the lead from you students as to how we can best help.'

a man in a vest talking to another man

Aronno Haque ’14 talks with Rob Shook ’83.

a man and woman standing next to each other

sh'Out Public Relations Director Reggie Steele '12 greets Professor Christie Byun.

a man talking to another man

Greg Castanias talks with Rob Shook. During his Chapel Talk last fall, Castanias said: 'So to our gay students, as well as to my gay alumni brothers, I pledge this to you as the President of your Alumni Association: The Wabash tent is wide open, and you and your partners are welcome as a part of the Wabash fraternity, part of the Wabash family. We are too small, and our mission is too important, to exclude even a single Wabash man. We would be a poorer and incomplete College without you.'

a man in a black shirt talking to a young man

2006 IAWM Man of the Year Frank Hagaman '72 talks with NAWM Board Member Scott Medsker '03.

a man sitting at a table

Alumni mentor Anthony Hart '87 talks with NAWM Board Member Mark Dewart '74 and Visiting Assistant Professor of Art Stefani Rossi.

a group of men sitting at a table

Rob Shook and NAWM Board Member Ross Dillard '07 discuss ways Class Agents can more welcoming to gay alumni.

a woman sitting at a table

Visiting Assistant Professor of Art Stefani Rossi was among a number of faculty—along with Deans Gary Phillips, Mike Raters '85, and Tom Runge '71—who attended the networking luncheon.

a man smiling at another man

Aronno Haque '14 enjoys President White's remarks to the gathering.

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