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Awards Chapel Division I

a group of men holding red folders

Division I Chair David Polley honored the Division I seniors receiving Distinction in Comprehensive Exams.

men in suits shaking hands

The Norman E. Treves Science Award winner Cameron Allen McDougal and Professor of Biology David Polley.

a man holding a plaque with a man standing next to him

Tuan Minh Nguyen was recognized as the Eliot C. Williams Undergraduate Prize in Biology winner by Professor of Biology Eric Wetzel.

a group of men standing together

Biology Professor Eric Wetzel presented Peter Westley Guiden and Michael Alan Trevino with the Ernest G. Carscallen Prize in Biology.

a group of people posing for a photo

The Howell Chemistry Award winners Taylor Allen Neal, Anton John Crepinsek, Ronald Lee Sullivan, and Peter John Santa Maria.

a man and woman shaking hands

The Underwood Award in Chemistry winner Shengshuang Zhu and Chemistry Professor Ann Taylor.

a man and woman shaking hands

Seth Andrew Bawel was presented the Edgar C. Britton Memorial Award in Chemistry by Professor of Chemistry Ann Taylor.

a man in suit shaking hands with another man in suit

Mathematics Professor Robert Foote presented the George E. Carscallen Prize in Mathematics to Anh Tuan Tran (pictured) and Bihui Liu.

a man shaking hands with another man

The Harold Q Fuller Prize in Physics winner Christopher Henry Gorman and Physics Professor James Brown.

a couple of men shaking hands

Physics Professor James Brown presented the Physics Department Writing Prize to Zachary James Rohrbach.

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