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Alaska - Day 1 - Anchorage

a group of people sitting around a table

Gathering for breakfast at Bed & Breakfast

a man sitting in a chair

Listening to Professor Calisch talk about photography.

a man with his hands out

Professor Calisch began the day helping the students better understand photography as a way of documenting the week's experiences.

a man leaning on a fence with a camera

Adam Bowen from the Media Center records images from the day.

a man looking out over water

Getting the first views of Cook Inlet from the Coastal Trail.

a man standing next to a statue

An impromptu discussion led by Stevan Stankovich on the history of Alaska.

a woman pointing at a map

Professor Byun points out the different cities the group will visit.

a group of men standing on a street

Professor Calisch takes the opportunity to talk with the students about telling a story through a photograph.

a group of men wearing sunglasses

Another impromptu lesson taught by Jared Valentine on sled-dog racing, a special interest of his.

a man standing next to a model of a ship

Learning about the history and growth of Alaska at the Anchorage Museum.

a man looking at a large black cylinder

A sample of the pipeline

a man blowing bubbles in a glass wall

The students (and other adults) enjoyed the portion of the museum dedicated to science for kids.

a group of people playing drums

Today the museum hosted Asian Pacific Family Day which included many activities and performances.

a group of people playing drums in a building

A group of students watches the performance from the second level of the Museum.

a snow covered stairs and trees

There was a "little" snow on the trail as the group headed up Flat Top Mountain.

a man sliding down a hill

The best way down the mountain in several places was sledding... without sleds.

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