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Freshman Community Service ’12-Album Two

a man pushing a cart with two large trash cans

Freshmen Ty Campbell and Cameron Stepler haul one of the dozens of hand washing stations into place for this weekend's Taste of Montgomery County at the Lew Wallace Study.

a couple of men looking at a fountain

Stepler and Sean McGrath ’16 unload one of the hand washing stations, with the Lew Wallace Study in the background.

a man touching a machine

Cameron Stepler ’16

a man and woman standing in a yard

Grounds Manager Deb King tells Ty Campbell ’16 where to position the hand washing stations. 'You would not believe how helpful these guys are,' King says. 'And it’s perfect timing, having these Wabash gentlemen help set this up.'

a man holding a light bulb

Nick Leuck ’16 helps hang lights for the Taste of Montgomery County.

a man on a ladder holding a string of lights

Lew Wallace Study Director Larry Paarlberg directs the hanging of lights.

a man on a ladder working on a string

Freshmen Drew Breuckman (left) and Aren Petersen hangs lights for this weekend's event.

a couple of men working on a plywood table

Freshmen Tim Locksmith, Jonathan Daron, and Corey Hoffman build the stage for the musical acts that will play at this weekend's Taste of Montgomery County.

a group of men working on a table

Daron, Hoffman, and Locksmith

a man drilling a hole in a plywood

Lew Wallace Study Trustee Dale Petrie ’75 supervises the building of the stage.

a man in a yellow shirt

Dale Petrie ’75

a man in a red shirt

Corey Hoffman ’16

a man holding poles in a park

Freshmen Mor Rent Thang and Alan Camacho build tent shelters for the event. Here they begin work on their second.

a man in a red jacket

Figuring out how to assemble the tents provided some lighter moments.

a man holding a black object

Camacho assembles poles for the tent. After finishing the first one, he said, 'It's my first time setting up a tent. Turned out pretty good. I’m kind of proud of it.'

a man pointing at a pole

Thang and Camacho at work

a man using a drill to cut a piece of wood

Freshmen Shay Shirkey and Glenn Doughty assemble the trash cans for the event.

a man and woman standing outside

Ty Campbell ’16 and Grounds Manager Deb King: 'I don’t think we could pull this thing off without the volunteer help.'

a man painting a wooden wall

Duan Le from Vietnam stains a fence on the Sugar Creek Trail as part of Freshmen Community Service.

a man painting a fence

Nash Jones from Jasper, Indiana

a man painting a fence

Austin Myers from Evansville spent the morning staining for the Parks and Rec department.

a man painting a fence

Orientation leader Evan McFarland '14 also helped the group with their community service project.

a group of people painting a fence

Christian Lopac from Cokato, Minnesota

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