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College and C'Ville Celebrate Musician/Sculptor Bohumir Kryl

a man playing a trumpet

Bohumir Kryl’s Horn is Still Blowing Former U.S. Air Force Band principal trumpeter Curt Christensen rehearses in the College’s Salter Hall Saturday for his part in the Bohumir Kryl Project, the musical event honoring the legacy of the 19th century musical superstar whose earlier career included sculpting at Crawfordsville’s General Lew Wallace Study. Organized by local insurance agent, musician, and antique phonograph collector Tim McCormick, the event included programs on antique recordings and about the life of cornetist and band leader Bohumir Kryl, and concluded with a rousing concert of 19th century band scores played by musicians from across the country.

a group of gramophones on a table

Saturday's event included a display and demonstration of 19th antique phonographs.

a man in a suit holding a microphone

A collector of antique phonographs and phonograph records, Tim McCormick explains the unique qualities of the machines and played recordings of Bohumir Kryl's cornet playing.

a man playing a trumpet

Louisiana Repertory Jazz Ensemble cornetist Lew Green plays ragtime music with piano accompanist and Ragtime Evolution Jazz Band leader Mary Green.

a man holding a microphone in front of a group of horn

Richard Martin of Archeophone Records discusses the first professional, commercial audio CD of Bohumir Kryl's music that he created especially for The Bohumir Kryl Project.

a man in a suit and bow tie

General Lew Wallace Study Director Larry Paarlberg talks about Kyrl's sculpting of the friezes at the study, commissioned by Lew Wallace for his '19th century man cave.'

a man in a suit speaking at a podium

Crawfordsville Mayor Todd Barton ’00 proclaims Saturday Bohumir Kryl Day in honor of the musician-sculptor and his artful contributions to Crawfordsville and the world.

a man in a suit and bow tie

Wabash Glee Club Director Richard Bowen portrays Bohumir Kryl, telling the audience about the celebrated band leader and cornetist in Kryl's own words.

a man in a suit and bow tie

Bowen portrayed Kryl as a proud man, but not without a sense of humor. The script was written by Helen Hudson and edited by Christopher Short ’00

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Eileen Bowen, administrative assistant for Fine Arts Center, provides historical narrative for the program.

a record player with a horn

Antique phonographs grace the lobby of Salter Hall.

a close up of a typewriter

A close-up of the name of the man who started it all!

a man standing at a podium

Thomas McCormick served as moderator for the concert. 

a man playing a trumpet

Former U.S. Air Force Band principal trumpeter Curt Christensen plays a cornet solo in Kryl's 'Josephine Waltz', written in honor of the band leader's daughter and arranged for modern concert band by Malinda Zenor, an arrangement the band premiered Saturday night.

a man in a suit holding a stick

Former White House Orchestra solo French horn player and founding director of the Zionsville Concert Band John Richardson conducted and 40-plus piece band playing music by Kryl and from his era. Click here for more photos of the Concert Band.

a man in a tuxedo clapping

Christensen receives a standing ovation for his solo 'Variations on a Tyrolean Song.'

a group of people clapping in a room

The Salter Hall audience offers a standing ovation for cornetist William Reagan after his solo on Jean-Baptiste Arban's 'Carnival of Venice.'

a man playing a trumpet

Reagan plays the cornet solo on 'Carnival of Venice.'

a man playing a trumpet in front of a group of people

The Bohumir Kryl Project Concert Band with soloist Willliam Reagan.

a man in a suit raising his hand

As the audience cheered his performance, Reagan acknowledged the band.

a man using a hammer to hammer a music stand

Kryl's great-grandson and principal timpanist of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Mark Yancich played the unusual percussion—an anvil and brake drum—featured in the final number of the concert, Guiseppe Verdi's 'Miserere and Anvil Chorus'

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Conductor John Richardson congratulates Yancich after the concert.  Click here for more photos of the Concert Band.

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Tim McCormick presents Kryl's granddaughter, Pauny Yancich, with the Bohumir Kryl Artist-in-Residence Emeritus Award, created especially for the event by the General Lew Wallace Study.

a man shaking hands with another man

Kryl's great grandson David Vaughan reciprocates with a certificate naming Tim McCormick an honorary member of the Kryl family in gratitude for his spreading the fame of Bohumir Kryl's art, music, and story.

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