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Hartnett Sees History Face to Face

a man in a suit and tie holding a glass of liquid

Delivering the 32nd Annual LaFollette Lecture, Classics Professor Jeremy Hartnett ’96 showed visual evidence of the complexity art brings to history, and why imagination is essential to the study of our ancient past. Here he is congratulated by Professor of Music James Makubuya.

a man in a red sweater and a jacket talking to another man

Professor Emeritus of Classics John Fischer H’70 made a rare return to campus to watch his friend and former student present the College's most prestigious lecture.

a man standing at a podium

Showing history's influence on the present, Professor Hartnett projected a series of portraits that have been created on an iPad by an artist named John Bavaro, who paints his subjects into the Greco-Roman-Egyptian world.

a man standing at a podium with a microphone

LaFollette Professor of the Humanities Dwight Watson welcomed guests.

a man speaking into a microphone

Last year's LaFollette Lecturer, Professor of History Stephen Morillo, introduced Hartnett as 'a quintessential humanist and lover of life.'

a group of people shaking hands

Kathe Hartnett is greeted by President Pat White as the rest of Jeremy's family—Dan ’99, Dale, and Dan's wife, Laura—look on.

a man in a suit and tie

Relieved and happy—Hartnett talks with President White and Steve Morillo after finishing his talk.

a man standing at a podium

Professor Hartnett in front of a screen image of one of the Fayum portraits.

a woman holding a poster

Kathe Hartnett with the poster for her son's talk.

a man and woman kissing

Professor Jill Lamberton enjoys a quiet celebratory moment with her husband following the talk.

a man in a suit and bow tie talking to another man

Gary LaFollette talks with Professor Hartnett.

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Hartnett talks with Scotty Cameron ’13 in Salter Hall Lobby.

a man and woman talking

Trustee Kelly Pfledderer ’96 talks with Associate Professor of Art Elizabeth Morton following the LaFollette Lecture.

a man in a suit and tie

Professor of English Marc Hudson chats with students following the lecture.

a group of men talking to each other

Dale Hartnett talks with Classics Professor Matt Sears.

a man in a suit and tie

Dan Hartnett talks with religion professor Derek Nelson ’99.

a woman smiling with her arms crossed

Professor Lamberton enjoys a lighter moment with Mary Angela Cooley.

a group of people posing for a photo

The Hartnett pause for a family photo: Jill Lamberton, Jeremy Hartnett, Dale and Kathe Hartnett, Dan and Laura Hartnett

a group of people posing for a photo

Trustee Ray Jovanovich ’84 with last year's LaFollette Lecturer, Professor of History Stephen Morillo, and Professor Lynn Miles-Morillo.

a couple of men smiling

Professor Hartnett with his former student, Mitch Brown ’10, who also gave a talk on campus Friday.

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