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Theta Delt 20th Anniversary Celebration

a group of people posing for a photo

More than 40 alumni of the Upsilon Deuteron charge of Theta Delta Chi at Wabash joined current brothers, Wabash professors, and members of the international headquarters on the night before the Monon Bell Game to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the fraternity’s re-emergence at the College.

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Jim Leuck ’09, speaking here with Theta Delt Grand Lodge President Eric Kelley, organized the celebration/reunion, which took place in the International Hall of the Detchon Center for Modern Languages.

a man in a purple shirt

Rui Liu ’11 was among the more than 40 alumni who returned.

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Jake Surface ’11 catches up with Professor Jon Baer during the celebration.

a man in a suit looking at a menu

Joel Bustamante ’12

a group of men having a good time

Mike Hawksworth ’91 returned for the celebration.

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Nick Roersma ’03

a man laughing at another man

Matt Meyer ’12

a man in a suit and tie smiling at a podium

Former Grand Lodge President Rick Wood spoke of the special bond he feels for the Wabash charge: 'If you turn your charter over, you’ll see my name on the bottom of it. I count many members of this charge as dear friends of mine. Congratulations on 20 wonderful years. It's a thrill to be back, to see the growth. The pride the international takes in this charge is tremendous. You have brought a great deal of honor to the fraternity, your participation here and on an international level.'

a man standing at a podium with a microphone

Wabash Theta Delt President Michael Hodge ’13 welcomed the returning alumni.

a man wearing a white hat and blue striped shirt holding a clipboard

Theta Delt Treasurer Ian Baumgardner ’14

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Bryan Arnold ’09 was honored for his alumni participation with the Wabash charge.

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That's Jim Saunders ’92, in black, standing at the back of the group. A member of the first Theta Delt graduating class, Saunders said, 'I came back, as I have nearly every year since I graduated, to celebrate 20 years of brotherhood and to see Wabash College post a victory in the Monon Bell game. We put a lot of hard work into the foundation of the Theta Delta Chi organization at Wabash College, and it is a good feeling to see it's continued success throughout the last 20 years.'

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Kyle O'Keefe ’08 was honored for his involvement with the fraternity. Kyle is one of 14 members of the international's education foundation.

a man with a beard smiling

Current Grand Lodge President Eric Kelley: 'The alumni network you developed and the quality of brotherhood here is quite impressive. It proves the idea that fraterinity is not four years, but for life; this charge really embodies that. Thanks for being great brothers.'

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Jason Switt ’00 and classmate Ryan Tipps traveled from Chicago and Virginia to attend the celebration.

a man in a white shirt

Grayson Swaim ’12

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Ethan Kirchner ’97

a group of men posing for a photo

Jim Leuck, the event's organizer, was recognized for his outstanding alumni involvement.

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Nick Roersma, Brett Birch, and Jason Palin

a group of men talking

Jason Palin and Ryan Clougherty ’02

a man in a suit and tie

Former Grand Lodge President Phil Curley

a group of men posing for a photo

The former pledge class of 2015.

a group of people posing for a photo

'Thanks for being great brothers'

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