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Celebrating Professor Melissa Butler

a group of people standing in a kitchen

Students, faculty, and staff crowded into the Rogge Lounge Wednesday to pay tribute and offer their best wishes to Professor Melissa Butler, who retires this winter after 37 years serving the Wabash community.

a man in a suit holding a piece of paper

Professor of History and Division III Chair Steve Morillo began the celebration of Professor Butler's career: 'She's been at Wabash for 37 years of dedicated and often trail-blazing service—she was, of course, the first woman tenured at Wabash.'

a man with a beard and glasses smiling

Professor Emeritus of Political Science David Hadley recalled Professor Butler's job interview at Wabash: 'I knew we had the right candidate for the job; she had the moxie it was going to take for a woman to join a faculty that had infinitely more Davids on the faculty than it did women.'

a woman smiling in front of a window

Professor Butler enjoys the stories.

a woman laughing in front of a painting of a man

Professor of Economics Kay Widdows: 'Throughout my 26-year career at Wabash, Melissa has not only been my best friend at Wabash, but has been a wonderful advisor and mentor.'

a woman in a striped sweater

'I took my first immersion trip with Melissa, and I can’t say enough about her way with students, her ability to make every kind of experience into a learning experience for the students, and her ability to cope just about anything.'

a man in front of a painting

Professor of Theater Dwight Watson recalled his work with Professor Butler when he was a division chair: 'She is an amazing resource, and I learned so much from those many meals we had together, the kind of substantive questions that should be asked and consideration should be given during candidate interviews.'

a woman standing in front of a group of people

Professor of Political Science counts Professor Butler among her most important mentors: 'She brings this constant spirit of innovation to everything she does, whether it’s thinking about our curriculum, or new opportunities that we can provide for our majors.'

a group of men in a room

Assistant Professor of Psychology Eric Olofson

a group of people in a hallway

Faculty, staff, and students applaud Professor Butler following her final class in Baxter Hall on Friday.

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