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Midnight Munch Spring 2013

a group of men standing together

Wabash students ready to dig in to some late-night breakfast treats at the 2013 Spring Semester Midnight Munch. Photos by Brent Harris

a group of people in a kitchen

Faculty and staff spent the evening in the hot serving lines handing out food to hungry students.

a man in a kitchen

The Bon Appétit staff worked throughout the evening to keep the food trays full for hungry students.

a man and woman in aprons standing in a kitchen

Assistant Professor of Political Science Lexi Hoerl with President Pat White prior to the start of the Midnight Munch.

a group of people in a kitchen

The first students were served shortly after 11 p.m.

a man putting food on a grill

President Pat White at his traditional place at the pancake grill for the final time at Wabash.

a man in a white coat and hat cooking pancakes

It's all in the wrist if you want to make the perfect Monon Bell pancake. You can't find one of those in Greencastle!

a man in an orange shirt and apron standing in a kitchen

Director of Planned Giving David Troutman drew cleanup duty in the kitchen.

a group of people standing outside a building

Students lined up all the way to the drive around the mall waiting to enjoy a late-night meal.

a group of people standing in a room

Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science Colin McKinney served as the unofficial doorman for the Sparks Center.

a group of people shaking hands

BKT Assistant Professor of Rhetoric Sara Drury, BKT Assistant Professor of Chemistry Laura Wysocki, and Professor of History Stephen Morillo and his wife (and former Wabash professor) Lynn Miles-Morillo greeted students as they entered the Sparks Center.

a group of people sitting at tables

A total of 337 students came through the line to enjoy some food, fellowship, and break from preparing for more finals.

a man in a white apron

President White thanked the students and praised them for their accomplishments.

a group of people in a room

President White led the students in a rousing rendition of Old Wabash!

a group of people in a kitchen

After singing Old Wabash with the students, it's back to the grill for President White.

a man in a white apron cooking pancakes

The proud chef!

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