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Photo Albums

Music 202 - Spring 2013

a man holding a piece of paper

Each Spring semester the final project in Music Professor James Makubuya's MUS 202 course is building an instrument.

a man holding two maracas

Jacob Ahler presents his hosho.

a man holding a red and white object

Patrick Bondi made a bugle.

a man in a suit playing a drum

Nathan Bryant plays his bodhran.

a man holding a small instrument

Spencer Burk with his mbira.

a man playing a drum

Elliot Dewey plays his cuban bongo.

a man playing a drum

David Direfeld made a steel drum.

a man eating a doughnut

Joey Fogel demonstrates how to play the ocarina.

a man sitting on a box

Kenneth Harris sits on his cajón as he plays it.

a man sitting on a stool playing drums

Troy Meyers plays his congo drum.

a man holding a banjo

Dalton Stanley chose to make a banjo.

a man playing a drum

Anthony Stella demonstrates one way to play the tube drum.

a man playing a flute

Yifei Sun plays the xun.

a man playing a drum

Nazir Tokhi presents his zhan-gu.

a man playing a musical instrument

Mark Troijano - made a lyre.

a man playing a guitar

Clinton Warner plays the ukulele he made.

a man standing on a stage

Austin Weaver demonstrates how to play the xylophone.

a man in a yellow shirt playing a trumpet

Likai Yan plays his alboka.

a group of people posing for a photo

All the MUS 202 students and the instruments they created.

a group of men playing trumpets

The Aerophones

a group of men playing musical instruments

The Chordophones

a group of men posing for a photo

The Idiophones

a group of men playing drums

The Membranophones

a group of people posing for a photo

MUS 202 Spring 2013

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