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Big Bash Colloquia Sessions

a man in a suit holding up his hand

Gerrard McClendon '88 shared how Wabash prepared him to deal with several battles and triumphs in life. He called Wabash College the "ultimate teacher for manhood."

a man shaking hands with another man

McClendon took the opportunity to thank Professor Tobey Herzog for teaching him the "ethic of care in teaching" that has led him in his career as a professor himself.

two men standing in a room

Rusty Nichols '63 (right) and Frank Cassell '63 shared how what they learned from Wabash leaders while they were students guided them as college presidents in their careers.

a man in a white shirt

David Weglarz '03 talked about the path he has taken during the last several years to fulfill his dream of founding a small craft distillery - StilL 630 in St. Louis.

a group of shot glasses on a counter

Weglarz shared a sample of one of the whiskeys his distillery currently produces.

a man in a striped shirt

Chris Denari ’83, the television voice of the Indiana Pacers, gave a colloqium talk about his life in sports. Denari made the trip to Big Bash just hours before the Pacers host the Heat in the sixth game of the Eastern Conference Finals.

a group of people talking

Chris Denari ’83 chats with Brent Harris H’03 and Kim Johnson from Wabash's Communications and Marketing Office.

a man in a striped shirt

Chris Denari ’83 was on campus only a few hours, but had the opportunity to catch up with teammates, fraternity brothers, and classmates.

a man in a robe

Jotipalo Bhikkhu ’88 spoke about his life as a Buddhist monk.

a man in a robe talking to another man

"One of my teachers explained 'Life is not about happiness, it's about peace. One sure way to suffer is to think about your self. If you don't want to suffer, think of others.'"

a man and woman posing for a picture

Jotipalo Bhikkhu ’88 and classmate Scott Quick '88 after the colloquium session.

a man in a suit and tie

President Pat White presented a colloquia session on the State of the College.

a man wearing a striped shirt

Mike Gallagher '68 retired from Westport Industires of Vancouver, Canada, more than three years ago but still represents the company. They are world leaders in the conversion of diesel engines to natural gas.

a man in a striped shirt

"The oil problem is a transportation problem," Gallagher explained. "Verylittle oit goes into industry, homes, or power any more. Westport has been supplying natural gas engine buses to Los Angeles for several years. The city's entire 3,000 bus fleet now runs the natural gas.

a man with his hands out

Steve Woods '93 a Big Ten football official got his session started by having the gather crowd boo him! Who says Wabash men don't have a sense of humor.

a man wearing a black shirt and white pants

"A lot of people assume you want to get into college football you just get started," Woods said. "Everyone starts in Pop Warner because that's where everything happens."

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