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Photo Albums

2013 Chapel Sing

a man and woman sitting on a bench

Sarah Billings, wife of Scott Quick ’88, and her uncle, Tom Billings ’63, watch the Class of 1988 perform in Chapel Sing.

a group of men wearing red shirts

Greg Teague, Class Agent for the Class of 1988, did a terrific job organizing his reunion.

a group of people singing

John Doyel ’63 directs the Class of 1963.

a group of men wearing red shirts and hats

Joe Haklin ’73 (center) sings with his classmates.

a man in a red shirt

David Hawksworth ’88 directs the Class of 1988.

a man and woman looking at two children

Kip Chase ’03 and his family.

a woman sitting on the grass taking a picture

Brenda Hurst zooms in for a photo of the all-alumni Chapel Sing. Brenda is the wife of Chuck Hurst ’88.

a group of men wearing lanyards

Ray LaDriere and Jim Engledow of the Class of 1978.

a group of men wearing red shirts

Jesse Liscomb and the Class of 1963.

a man in a red shirt

Dr. John Roberts ’83.

a group of men wearing red shirts

Bill Lowery and Tom Milligan of the Class of 1963.

a group of men in red shirts

Scott Medsker ’03 and his classmates.

a group of men singing

Nelson Ong and his 1973 comrades.

a couple of men laughing

Tom Plake and Jeff Short, both of the Class of 1988.

a group of people pulling each other

The Class of 2008 came rolling into Chapel Sing in Phi Delt style.

a man wearing glasses and a red shirt

Norman Schumaker ’63.

a man in a red shirt

Jim Roper ’68.

a man and woman holding a baby

Seamus Boyce ’03 and his family.

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