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2013 Big Bash Awards Brunch

a man shaking hands with another man

Class of 1963 Class Agent Larry Hutchison accepts the 1909 Trophy Cup from President White.

a group of men posing with a trophy

The men of the Class of 1963 swept the reunion attendance awards. Class Agent Larry Hutchison and his classmates pose with President White and the 1909 Trophy Cup for having 46 percent of the class present for Big Bash.

a man standing at a podium speaking into a microphone

Tom Runge ’71 did a masterful job of executing the 10th Big Bash Reunion Weekend. He expressed his appreciation to his co-workers Mike Warren ’93, Michele Ward, and Heather Bazzani.

a group of men posing for a photo

President White poses with men in the Class of 2008. The five-year reunion class did what no other first-time reunion class has done: it won the Robinson-Ragan Award for winning Alumni Chapel Sing.

a group of men holding a plaque

2008 Class Agent Jesse James hugs President White.

a group of men holding a plaque

President White poses with 2008 Class Agents Jesse James and Kyle McClammer after Ross Dillard ’07 presented the Class of 2007 Award.

a group of men holding a plaque

President White poses with the reunion organizers for the Class of 1963, which won the 1928 Attendance Trophy with 69 members of the class attending the 50th reunion.

two men holding a plaque

President White poses with Greg Teague ’88, who won the Dorman Hughes Award for his outstanding performance.

a group of men posing for a photo

Another award for the Class of 1963: The Edmund O. Hovey Annual Giving Award. Sixty-six percent of the class made a gift to the Annual Fund.

a man shaking hands with another man

Tom Runge thanked Bon Appetit Chef Jordan Hall for his service to Wabash, and gave him license plates, a hat, and a shirt so that he can head to Greencastle fully equipped.

a man standing at a podium

Chef Jordan Hall, who will head up Bon Appetit's operations in Greencastle, said,

a man in a suit and tie speaking into a microphone

President White thanked the alumni for their generosity.

a group of men talking to each other

Tom Runge ’71, Rev. John Van Nuys ’83, and Monk Jotipalo Bhikkhu ’88.

a man and woman smiling

First Lady Chris White and President Pat White received a standing ovation at their last Big Bash Reunion as the College's First Couple.

two men hugging each other

Jesse James ’08 and President White.

a man in a robe and glasses speaking into a microphone

Reverend John Van Nuys ’83, just hours removed from a trip to Israel, led a worship service in the Chapel on Sunday morning.

a man playing a piano

Alan White ’60 played the Chapel's organ for the Sunday morning worship service.

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Bruce Polizotto ’63 and Jesse James ’08 sing Alma Mater with First Lady Chris White H’07 and President Pat White H’10.

men standing next to each other

1978 classmates Jim Engledow and Rade Kljajic.

a group of people in a room

President White chats with the men in the Class of 2008.

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