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Alumni in France, Album 2

a group of people standing in a tent

Bob Wedgworth, Bob Myers and wife Judy start Sunday with a market visit.

a large pan of food

This was a huge wok with chicken and fresh vegetables.

a stack of loaves of bread

French loaves as big as a watermelon.

a group of people standing outside

The group's day started in tiny Saint Saturnin where we visited Domaine Virgile Joly

a man and woman standing in a doorway

CK and Bob Wedgeworth are last two into the small tasting room.

a group of people standing in a room

Here is a peak through the door as the group starts its tasting experience.

a group of men holding wine glasses

Joly talks about his 6,500 case winery

a man holding a glass of wine

No understatement that the group was taken by the young Frenchman's charm and wines!

a man and woman holding wine glasses

Fred Siegel '67 and Carol seem to be enjoying themselves.

a man holding a glass of wine

Mike Butler "82 says cheers!

a group of people standing around a table and drinking wine

Michelle Rhoades enjoyed shooting a few shots inside the tasting 'cave'

a man smiling at the camera

Bob Myers '67 is all grins.

a woman holding a glass of wine

Lisa Kolisek, Frank '82's wife.

a man and woman holding wine glasses

The Myers' say' Salute!'

a man cooking meat on a spit

It was then off tolunch at La Pressoir in the tiny village. Here the cook drizzles fat over roasting beef.

a group of people in a restaurant

The restaurant was quite big for such a small town.

a plate of food on a table

Everyone raved about the chocolate cake with the rich grenache filling

a glass of red wine

We topped off the meal with Joly's fortified Rose.

a group of people sitting at a table

A group shot was certainly in order.

a fountain in front of a building

We capped our day with a visit to Chateau Flaguergues within the Montpellier city limits

a person holding a yellow object on a tree

C.K. Wedgeworth finds the unusual lemon tree fascinating.

a group of people standing in front of a tapestry

Madeline was our tour guide through the Chateau. The Colbert family still live in the 'castle.'

a group of people around a table with wine bottles

We wrapped our day up with a brief tasting of the Chateau's wines.

a man in a green jacket

The count - Henri Colbert - made an appearance during our tasting

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