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Alumni in France, Album 3

a building with a clock on the side

We started our day with a visit to Narbone's covered market.

a group of people standing on a sidewalk

Stephane gave us a brief history of the town centerpiece

a large variety of food in containers

Monday was a small market day but still plenty of olives, garlic, roasted tomatoes.

a group of people in a market

The group takes in some samples.

a box of tomatoes in a box

There was a nice array of vegetables ...

a display case with ice cream shaped like faces

These merengine puppies looked alive enough to bark!

a row of trees next to a river

The beautiful tree-lined center of Narbonne.

boats parked on the water

The Canal de la Robine is a World Hertiage Site.

a landscape with trees and bushes

A gorgeous view of Chateaux le Bouis vineyards with a peak at the

a group of people standing on a deck

Bob Myers '67, far right, and David Newhart "15 chat with our hostess.

an archway with trees in the background

The chateau was beautiful - on a beautiful day in the upper 70s

a group of people standing around a table with food

Everyone enjoyed the spread of small bites with the wine tasting.

a group of women eating food

Carol Dennes and LIsa Kolisek have a taste.

a group of people standing around a table

The lovely outdoor setting had a spray of vine cover the tasting spot.

a group of people posing for a photo

Our travel troup with bus driver.

a group of buildings in a vineyard

The next stop was Gerard Bertrand's Chateau L'Hospitalet.

a group of people walking on a dirt path

The group had a tough slup up a steep hill. .... but ....

a field of plants and trees

... but ... the reward was well worth it.

a group of people posing for a photo

Here is another group pic on a very, very windy spot.

a group of people posing for a picture

Kelsey, Frank, and Lisa Kolisek had to have a postcard shot with the Sea.

a group of people standing in a field

Our guide Beth talks about the terroir of Hospitalet.

a man pouring wine into a glass

And of course, we tasted the wide range of Bertrand wines.

a group of people standing in a room with wine glasses

The group learns a little wine making in the huge barrell room.

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