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Alumni in France, Album No. 4

a pool with umbrellas and chairs and trees

A look from the terrace at the Chateau grounds.

a man standing in front of a table full of wine glasses

Our fun tasting guide - Ozzy. Though the Chateau is more B&B than winery, the wines were great!

a man holding a wine bottle and a glass of wine

Guess who (look behind) insisted Hewitt pose for this picture?

a man wearing a hat

Bob Wedgeworth having a laugh at the end of the day.

a woman smiling at camera

Kelsey Kolisek is a little camera shy but she's caught here.

a building with a dome shaped roof

Back in Montpellier a small group makes their way through the center of the old city toward dinner.

a plate of food on a table

A small bistro served up great razor clam appetizers.

a plate of food on a table

Lamb shank any one?

a city street with buildings and people

The last peak of the Place de Comedie on a Monday night.

a piece of pie on a plate

La Coquille served a great dinner and even better service.

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