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Alumni in France, Album 6

a large building with many windows

The Church of St Eustace, built between 1532 and 1632.

a man standing in a room with a group of chairs and a altar

Inside the church

a statue of a woman kneeling on a black pedestal

Of note, this is the tomb of Jean Baptiste Colbert. We visited his Chateau - still held by the Colbert family - on Sunday in Montpellier.

a man standing in a large room with many chairs

Professor Rhoades admiring the architecture

a group of people standing in front of a building

Our walk around town included a brief stop near the Pompidou Center.

a large stone building with statues on the front

We passed a couple of the more recognizable landmarks - like Notre Dame

a group of people sitting at a table with wine glasses and food

Our Wednesday night cruise was most enjoyable.

a tall tower lit up at night

And after dinner, a few quick shots of the Eiffel Tower.

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