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Canoe Trip 06

a group of people standing on a field

Cloudy skies, swift water, and mosquitoes greeted us upon arrival.

a group of people standing in a field

David Parsch '10 braved Sugar Creek with a broken ankle.  Wabash Always Fights!

a group of people standing around red buses

The group boards the bus taking us to our put-in location near Yountsville.

a group of people carrying kayaks and a van

Paddles?  Check.  Life jackets?  Check. 

a group of people in canoes on muddy water

The first group launches their canoe. 

a group of people in canoes on a river

Our flotilla heads down Sugar Creek.

a group of people rowing a canoe

Nick Collins '03 helped our guests negotiate the muddy conditions on shore.

a group of people in canoes in a river

The last of the canoes head out.  Today's trip took about 1 hour thanks to the high water levels.

a group of people standing on a dirt road

Looks like Nick came out on the losing end of it.

a man standing in a field

Rudy surveys the damage from his kayaking efforts.

a group of people eating outside

Sunny skies and a picnic lunch welcomed us at the Caleb Mills house upon our return.

a group of people eating at a table

Some of our guests worked up an appetite today.

a man shaking hands with a man

Yogi Kao '10 won the prize for traveling the farthest to join us today.  Yogi hails from Yorktown Heights, NY.

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