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2013 Ides of August

a man wearing a red and black uniform

Friday brought a mix of research, art, story, and a touch of levity in Hays Science Hall as members of the Wabash faculty enjoyed getting back together after a short summer for the 34th Ides of August. Fifteen professors shared brief presentations about their recent scholarship, research, and creative work, while co-organizer Professor Colin McKinney kept the event moving along in his own entertaining way, dressing for the afternoon session as a Star Fleet Captain…

a man wearing glasses and a green leaf on his head

…and opening the morning session decked in a garland, welcoming his fellow faculty members in Latin.

a woman smiling with a man behind her

Rhetoric Professor Sara Mehltretter Drury talked about her work with students and the Kettering Foundation 'assessing deliberation in public speaking.'

a man in orange shirt

Physics Professor Dennis Krause asks Professor Drury a question about her study of deliberation.

a man smiling at a woman

Senior Seton Goddard is one of several research interns working with Professor Drury on her project.

a woman with green hair and glasses smiling

Professor Lynn Miles-Morillo enjoys Professor McKinney's introduction.

a woman in a scarf looking at a laptop

Artist and Art Professor Stefani Rossi goes over her presentation of her research on 'Images of the Floating World': Ukiyo-e prints of the Edo Period.

a man smiling at another man

Biology Professor Eric Wetzel greets Professor Emeritus of Chemistry John Zimmerman H’65 before the gathering. Later, Wetzel discussed his research on infections and interactions and offered an update on the College's Global Health Initiative.

a group of men eating

Several students involved in faculty research attended Ides.

a man and woman talking at a table

Rhetoric Professor Jeff Mehltretter Drury enjoys some conversation before his presentation, 'How the Comeback Kid Came Back: Obama and Romney's Use of Bill Clinton in the 2012 Presidential Campaign. was

a man sitting at a podium

Psychology Professor Bobby Horton takes in the presentations.

a man smiling at another man

Professor Emeritus David Maharry catches up with faculty friends.

a couple of men standing together

Co-organizer Dan Rogers (who worked with Professors Peter Mikek and Colin McKinney to put together Friday's event) gets his photo taken with 'Captain' McKinney. McKinney is teaching a freshman tutorial this semester using the Star Trek series' as launching points for discussion and intellectual exploration. (To go where no class has gone before.)

a man looking at another man

Professors Eric Freeze and Rogers take a look at the photo.

a man standing at a podium raising his hand

'Captain McKinney' introduced Professor Freeze, who appropriately read his essay 'Vulcans I Know' from his forthcoming book, Hemingway on a Bike.

a man standing in front of a podium with his hands up

Professor Freeze introduces 'Vulcans I Have Known' in suitable attire.

a man in a tie

Chemistry Professor Lon Porter's topic was the work he and Chemistry Professor Scott Feller have done 'Putting YouTube to Work for the Liberal Arts…'

a poster of a movie

…but he couldn't resist his own Star Trek reference. Professor Porter was one of 15 faculty who presented their work, including Scott Feller (Molecular Modeling of Early Events in the Vision Process: An Adventure in Undergraduate Research), Dan Rogers (Modern Filipino Identity), Shamira Gelbman (Lessons from a Leadership Conference on Civil Rights), Dwight Watson (who read from work based on his recent summers in China, 'Nanjing Bikes and Acrobats at the Intersection of Time'),

a man in a black shirt and tie

… James Makubuya (The Hocketing Aerophones), Adriel Trott (Alain Badiou contra G.W.F. Hegel), Teresa Aubele (Speed vs. Endurance: the effects of nitric oxide on administration copulatory behavior in adult male rats), and Christie Byun and Ethan Hollander (Explaining the Intensity of Arab Spring).

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