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Freshman Community Service, No. 3

a group of people sitting on the grass

Freshmen catch up with their phone messages waiting to hear the mayor.

a man wearing sunglasses and a red shirt

Patrick Bryant '16 knows how this routine works from just a year ago.

a group of people posing for a photo

Orientation leader Carter Adams '15, center, wanted a photo with his group.

a person in a red shirt with a white w on the back

Wednesday was definitely a day for wearing red!!!

a man standing on a fountain with a group of people

Mayor Todd Barton '00 welcomed the freshmen to Crawfordsville.

a woman standing in front of a group of people

Political Science Professor Lexi Hoerl offered the students a noon walking tour to find stamps, coffee, late night food, and other essentials.

a group of people standing in a crowd

Leaders Sam Vaught '16 and Zach Churney '14 try to rally their groups to head off for lunch.

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